Thursday, May 26, 2011

Should ATVs be in Vermont?

Should we have ATVs on State land? Before you say NO! Lets look at this  a Little deeper.
lets think about what is would do for the state. 1.It would being people in to this State  from other States.2. It could make up new jobs.3.Vermont need to thing about this long and hard before the Nos come out!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vermont All Trerrain Vehicle Sportsman's Association (VASA)

   Vasa is doing a grate job with the trail system that they have out all ready . A good part of Vermont has a ATV trail System. It would be nice if VASA could add Vermont State land to this trial system. Keep in mind the snowmobiling  is 30 BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY could be more than that today. Vasa  members are in this because they love the sport. They want a trail system that is safe and enjoyable to there friends and families alike . If you go the VASA website you can get all the information you well did on the trail system and much more. Well I hope to  see you out on the trails one day.

Friday, May 13, 2011


 There are some people in The State Capital Of Vermont . That say no to a  ATV trail system to be made on state land. So is it right for them too say No? I feel that "No" is unfair to the people to put allot of time and money into the planning and making the trail system.Just like it would be wrong for me to get group of people together and get it so NO rap music would be allowed in the city's of Vermont!!! For the people that do not like ATVs don't own one.That is OK,But don't try to stop a trail system  to be made on State land for the ones that do like ATVs and enjoy the sport.. I fell that the Government of Vermont Should really thing about this. Because if they allow this to happen it can be a very good thing for these hard economic times.. Put it this why  a income of $2.7 MILLION and a output of $7.7MILLON and 146 NEW JOBS that where made in West Virgina at the Hatfield -McCoy trail system is not a bad thing!!!!


      Vermont ATV Sportsman's Association(V.A.S.A )Is trying to get the State of Vermont to open State land  for ATV trails.  The State of Vermont is looking at this matter with there eyes closed. Because if the look at this matter with there eyes open .They would see all  the economic impact benafits that ATV trails on State Land would do for this State. Lets look at this a little deeper.I Have read a report from The State Of West Virgina on the economic impact.By haveing an ATV trail system on State land. Here is a part of that Report.
   For the state of west Virgina the tolal economic impact of the HATFIELD-McCOY trail system was an incease output of 7,776,116.An increase of 2,786,036 & the generation of 146 NEW JOBS. The direct,indirect and induced effects are summarized in table EX1 .
                                   TABLE EX1 : SUMMARY ECONOMIC IMPACT
                                    OF THE HATFIELD-McCOY TRAIL SYSTEM

                                               OUTPUT        OF $7.7 MILLION

                                                 INCOME OF $ 2.7 MILLON

                                                             NEW JOBS       146

                                    STATE AND LOCAL REVENUE  WAS   $ 622,752
So this why I'm saying that the State of Vermont should open there eyes very wide . Beacuse the State of Vermont could have the same economic impact happen if they open State land to vasa and ATVs alike .